Roofers in Pittsburgh Roofers in Pittsburgh
23 Simpson St
Lawrence, PA 15055
Contact: 512-573-1977
Roofers in Pittsburgh
Master Elite # 19811
PA Lic # 018587
Roofers in Pittsburgh
Roofers in Pittsburgh Most Popular Timberline
  You are in good company when choosing a Master Elite Installer Certified Contractor as only a select few roofers in Pittsburgh and elsewhere ever climb to the top of their profession and obtain this certification. A Master Elite Installer Certified Contractor is the equivalent of a student getting his PHD in his profession – few dedicate and work this hard to reach the pinnacle of knowledge & skill in their profession. If that alone isn’t impressive enough, check out more incredible GAF Facts:
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Knox Construction "Pittsburgh Top Roofers Choice"   512-573-1977
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           Learn About TruSlate
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  Virtual home remodeler


TruSlate™ Colors

 Five Core Colors (Four accent Colors further down below.)
Four Accent Colors
TruSlate Slate Accent Colors
Your Color
Color Variation And
Natural Weathering.

TruSlate™ roofing comes in five popular Core Colors (Onyx Black, Eco Green, Greystone, Sunset, and Mystic Grey), shown above. These colors have proven to be the most popular year after year and can be used to complement virtually any exterior color scheme.


Core Colors can be used on their own, or they can be combined in varying amounts with other Core Colors. They can also be combined with TruSlate™Accent Colors, which are shown above.


Please remember that slate is a completely natural material. As a result, there can be a fairly significant color variation in individual slates or from one lot of slates to another. So the slate you receive will vary from the pictures shown on this websites.


In addition to natural variation, exposure to weather causes all slate to change slightly in color and in composition over time. The degree of color change varies with different slates.


It is this variation in color, combined with natural weathering, that adds to slate’s beauty, character, and charm.

So which route do you choose:
pure color or mixed colors?

The choice is largely based on personal taste. Start by looking through the photographs on this website. They include houses with pure colors only as well as some of the most popular blends. Your TruSlate™ SlateCrafter™ Specialist can also provide you with miniature slate samples to experiment with—so you can try your own color combinations in the comfort of your home.




23 Simpson Drive
Lawrence, PA 15055